Sunday, November 8, 2009

Day 15

Hi everyone,
Today is Nate's last day at Sierra Vista. After tomorrow's reports, we will take him to Cottage Rehab in Santa Barbara. So many friends came by today for Nate, but he needed a lot of rest. For everyone who didn't see Nate; He sported a shaved head that revealed more wounds than we knew of, and clarity of thinking for longer periods of time.
Our prayer requests are healing and peace for the frequent headaches and rushes of anxiety he struggled with today. Also, for his sleep patterns, that remain switched. We trust God's will concerning his rehab; where and how long. He does need it, though he improves every day. I'll take my laptop to SB so I can post when we know what's next....
PS. Nancy may be home tomorrow. We still ask for complete healing and recovery from her illness.
PPS. Steve and I want to thank all the staff at Sierra Vista who took such good care of our son.
Again, thank you all for your prayers for our family...
Cale's 25th BD is Tuesday!


  1. We have been reading the blog everyday and are happy that Nate is getting better. The love and closeness of your family is awesome.
    Sharon Rowley

  2. Mum just linked me through to the blog, great to hear he's recovering so quickly! The brain is such an amazing thing and it sounds like the doctors and everyone there have been amazing and know their way around brain trauma.

    From my limited studies in neuroscience the behaviour (such as anxiety, anything to do with inhibition) you've mentioned is common of trauma to the frontal lobe and will improve with patience and concentration on Nate's part and following the advice and treatment when he gets to SB.

    People have been treating similar brain damage for a very long time and the information we have on making the most of recovery is quite vast and ever growing, so that combined with his amazing recovery to date should give you lots of hope!

    If you get a chance let him know we're thinking of him here in Australia. We are in awe of his amazing healing brain! :)

    Taylor Foster
    Melbourne, Australia

  3. wow,, things are changing daily what a amazing time for you all. I'm glad to hear that Nate's going to a place that can help him recover faster.... My love and prayers are with you all... Take care of yourselves while on this journey of healing...
