Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Day 18

I just checked on Nate, in his own room, at home and resting comfortably. What an amazing few weeks! Nate was 9 days in a medically induced coma, nine days awake in the hospital, and now home. Only God could give us a prognosis like this! We are expecting home health care to come by today.
Steve is on his way to Half Moon Bay to get ready for Dungeness crab season. A few days ago, the prospect of being home alone with Nate was overwhelming, today I am at peace with it, and know all will continue to be good.
I am hoping Nate will do the next post....
hugs to you all,


  1. Hi Cathe,
    We're very happy that Nate is doing well enough to go home! With Jesus on your side, I think that being in your own bed at night can be as healing as going away to a rehab hospital. We know that what you're doing can be hard work, so again, if there's anything we can do don't hesitate.
    Still praying,

  2. Praying for you and loving the good news.

  3. Oops. That last post is from Elizabeth : )
